Started in 2023, SEE or Schmidt’s Electrical Enterprise is headquartered out of Washington DC. Ran by 2 native sons Erik Schmidt and Eladdieyo Robinson. The founding occurred when both gentle combined their skill sets to create something bigger than either could do alone.
Our mission is clear: to usher in a new generation of electric industry participants to quell many issues surrounding the local community and national debt.
We intend to create an elite apprenticeship program that will put life changing skills in the hands of the youth, while building a feeder program that will deploy electricians and engineers of various disciplines of electricity throughout the Washington DC metropolitan area to disaster stricken areas around the country and even the entire globe. We want to be the house hold name to usher in the electrical Renaissance that will be sprouting all over the world in the next 10-15 years.
Fossil fuels will be a thing of the past soon, so with that being understood; we look to position ourselves and our fellow Americans strategically to capitalize on a quadrillion dollar and growing industry and your support is needed and appreciated.